Ad Altare Dei Progress
Name: __________________________________________________ Troop: __________
Application Signatures:     [ ] Scout's    [ ] Parent's    [ ] Counselor's    [ ] Scoutmaster's    [ ] Pastor's
Chapter 1: Sacraments and Sacramentals
____ Share with your family an important lesson you learned from the scripture readings and homily at Sunday Mass, and how you plan to put this into practice. Do this each Sunday over a period of three weeks. (pg. 9)
____ Perform a skit that you or your group created, make a video or audio presentation, or make a poster or banner expressing your ideas of what you learned in this chapter. (pg. 9)
____ Attend the DCCS Catholic Scout Retreat in October, and complete the crossword puzzle in Appendix A. (pg. 10)
____ Signatures:     [ ] Scout's     [ ] Counselor's     [ ] Scoutmaster's


Chapter 2: Baptism
____ Make up a prayer based on the Scout Oath, write some petitions that could be used in a baptismal renewal service, or design and make a banner that would be appropriate for baptism. (pg. 15)
____ Prepare and take part with your group in a prayer service using water and candles, and renew your baptismal promises. (pg. 16)
____ Signatures:     [ ] Scout's     [ ] Counselor's     [ ] Scoutmaster's


Chapter 3: Confirmation
____ Make two art projects, or prepare and put on two skits, or bring in two sets of articles from newspapers and magazines, one showing human dignity and one showing the loss of human dignity. (pg. 23)
____ Develop and carry out a service project that uses your particular gifts and talents to serve others. (pg. 24)
____ Participate in a prayer service that emphasizes the sharing of the gifts of the Spirit; and either discuss your belief and understanding of God with someone of a different faith or a peer who is not in the AAD program, or make up a prayer to the Holy Spirit that asks assistance to decide your vocation in life and share it with your family, Religious Education class or Scout Troop. (pg. 24)
____ Signatures:     [ ] Scout's     [ ] Counselor's     [ ] Scoutmaster's


Chapter 4: Eucharist
____ Under the guidance of your counselor, do something to bring Jesus' presence to someone other than your family. (pg. 32)
____ Make one of the items listed in the Seek and Find, or any other item that is suitable for the Eucharist. (pg. 33)
____ Attend two Eucharistic Services, one with your AAD group, and one with your family. Describe the various feelings you experienced about the celebration based on the group you were with, any similar feelings, and any different feelings, and discuss with your AAD group. (pg. 34)
____ How can you make the celebration of the Eucharist more meaningful for \ you and your family? Do it! (pg. 34)
____ Signatures:     [ ] Scout's     [ ] Counselor's     [ ] Scoutmaster's


Chapter 5: Reconciliation
____ Make a collage, a video or audio presentation, or write a play expressing your ideas of God's forgiveness. Share it with your AAD group. (pg. 41)
____ Take part in a prayer service that includes an examination of conscience, an Act of Contrition, and a symbolic gesture of forgiveness. (pg. 41)
____ Signatures:     [ ] Scout's     [ ] Counselor's     [ ] Scoutmaster's


Chapter 6: Anointing of the Sick
____ Write a prayer that you could share with a sick person and share it. (pg. 45)
____ Help an elderly or sick person for one month in some of the ways listed. (pg. 46)
____ Signatures:     [ ] Scout's     [ ] Counselor's     [ ] Scoutmaster's


Chapter 7: Holy Orders
____ Discuss with a bishop, priest, or deacon how the Sacrament of Holy Orders helps him (a) to grow in and to witness Christ's love to others, and (b) live out his Christian commitment to his community. (pg. 50)
____ Discuss with your parents and/or a bishop, priest, or deacon the level of maturity needed for the Sacrament of Holy Orders. (pg. 51)
____ Visit a seminary, or correspond at least twice with a seminarian, or read an article concerning the seminary or priestly life, or write a likeness you see between Scouting and the priesthood, or write a brief description of the seminary training which prepares a candidate for the priesthood. (pg. 51)
____ Assist in one of the ministries in your parish. Write a short paper on how this is similar to the Scout Slogan, Oath, and Law. (pg. 52)
____ Make a poster or banner, a video or audio presentation, a play, or write an article on why you appreciate a bishop, priest, or deacon you admire. (pg. 52)
____ Signatures:     [ ] Scout's     [ ] Counselor's     [ ] Scoutmaster's


Chapter 8: Matrimony
____ Attend a Catholic wedding and share with your AAD group what impressed you most, or read the Rite of Marriage in Appendix F and write a paragraph about the commitment required of a couple. How do the vows and rings express the couple's commitment to one another? (pg. 54)
____ Discuss with a married couple how marriage helps them (a) grow in holiness and witness Christ's love to each other and their family, and (b) live out their Christian commitment to their community. (pg. 55)
____ Do something that will help your family grow stronger and stay committed to unity. Write a short paper about how this is similar to teamwork. (pg. 56)
____ Make a poster or banner, a video or audio presentation, a play, or write an article on why you appreciate a couple you admire. (pg. 57)
____ Signatures:     [ ] Scout's     [ ] Counselor's     [ ] Scoutmaster's
